Announcement on Inauguration

Dear neighbors,

I am humbled and honored to stand before you as your newly inaugurated State Representative. It is a privilege to represent the people of our great state in the Illinois General Assembly.

I want to thank my family, friends, and supporters for their unwavering support throughout my campaign. Without your help, I would not be standing here today.

I want to assure my constituents that I will be a strong advocate for your needs and concerns. I will work tirelessly to represent your interests in the legislature and make positive changes that benefit our communities.

As we begin this new legislative session, I am committed to working collaboratively with my colleagues to tackle the many challenges facing our state. From education and healthcare to economic development and public safety, I will prioritize the issues that matter most to the people of Illinois.

I am also committed to promoting transparency and accountability in government. I believe that our government should work for the people and be accountable to them. I will work to ensure that our government is transparent and responsive to the needs of the people.

In conclusion, I want to thank you once again for entrusting me with the responsibility of representing you in the Illinois General Assembly. I will work hard every day to make you proud and earn your trust.


Rep. Norma Hernandez

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